i received a very specific request from a friend to do a painting/drawing of a squid fighting a whale. because my tech pens were being annoying, i decided to take the quick route and paint this one in watercolor. to my knowledge, giant squid don’t grow to be as large as a blue whale, but just let me dream, ok?

this is eerily reminiscent of my homemade squid costume from halloween 2007..


so, folks, it’s 2011 already, and for this occasion i have made eleven resolutions, ten of which are none of your business. the eleventh resolution is to make one piece of art (a painting, collage, sculpture or even a doodle) every week. so far, i’m a little behind, due to my 10-year old technical pens getting clogged and gross. so, after disassembling and cleaning the stupid pen about four times, i present to you – an angry bear!

more updates to come in 2011, i promise.